Travis, Jessica, Josiah, & Lydia

Monday, September 11, 2006


Each day Josiah seems to try something new. While in Destin he learned a new laugh. It is a little chuckle.

Josiah and Daddy

That is some good sugar!!

Josiah and Mommy

Life doesn't get much better than this!!

Sandy Toes

We recently went on vacation to the Destin, Florida. It was beautiful!! Josiah was very cute with his little toes in the sand. The drive was 12 hours one way and Josiah was such a champion traveler.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Swim Man

We took Josiah swimming one evening when it cooled off from 108 degrees to 99 degrees. He seemed to like the water. When we got him out of the pool I put his robe on him and oh my he looks like a little old man ready for the hot tub.

Rolling Over

Josiah rolled over from tummy to back. It was very exciting. He likes to sit up on his elbows and even do a few push ups for a work out!

Happy Boy

Josiah is so fun. We spend most of our time laughing with or at him. He now loves for us to immitate his coo's! He is alot like Travis in that he is always up for a good laugh.